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 S p e c i a l   I n t e r e s t   G r o u p

Thursday 18 April 2019

In Pretoria

Road Funding in South Africa
What is the solution?

asset management 2  construction  finance and investments  LEGAL  TOLLS  traffic management

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SARF has received 0.5 of a  CPD point accreditation from ECSA for those attending the seminar
The ECSA CPD Number for this workshop is SARF19/TGSIG-04/22

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Presentations presented
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Update from the Gauteng Transport Authority

Dr. Ismail Vadi
MEC: Department of Roads and Transport

Gauteng Provincial Government

In Retrospect – The Economist Perspective on Road Funding

Mr. Mike Schussler

Road Funding: Where to?

Mr. Saied Solomons
CEO SABITA and President SARF

The Free Market Foundation’s perspective on Road Funding for South Africa

Mr. Terry Markman

Free Market Foundation

Panel Discussion followed up by an Open debate between Mr. Coenie Vermaak (CEO: ETC) and Mr. Wayne Duvenage (CEO: OUTA)

Moderated by:
Mr. Mike Schussler