Pictures taken during the
Transport Forum

 S p e c i a l   I n t e r e s t   G r o u p

"Driving the Necessity for Change in Public Transport:
National Support and Infrastructure"

3   D e c e m b e r   2 0 2 0

Complimentary Virtual Session

Formal Transport Forum 
Industry Alliances

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This event has been live-streamed to our YouTube channel. You can view the session using the following link:



Opening Address

Mr Jacob Mamabolo
MEC: Roads and Transport

Gauteng Provincial Government

The Need for Strategic Change in Public Transport Performance 

Mr Ibrahim Seedat
Director: Public Transport Policies
Department of Transport

SANRAL Value Add Services and the Road to Mobility as a Service (MaaS)

Ms Siveshni Pillay
Project Manager: Planning, Toll and Transport

Where to from now?

Mr Gerrie van Jaarsveld
VAS Project Manager

Beyond One Ticket for All

Mr Michael Hart

Driving Change in Public Transport Operations

Prof Jackie Walters
Institute for Transport and Logistics Studies
University of Johannesburg