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Ubunye Focused




29 September 2022 

29 September 2022

The Cullinan Hotel
1 Cullinan Street, Cape Town

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Presentations presented
The presentations are available from the Events/Downloads option. Remember to log in first to access them. Should you not have an account yet, you can create your own complimentary account by selecting "Sign Up" under the Users Menu.

Setting the scene: The Western Cape’s trade profile

Mr Joshua Palm

Export Manager, Wesgro

The air cargo landscape in the Western Cape

Mr David King

Project Manager, Cape Town Air Access

ACSA air cargo strategy overview

Mr Yolisa Mlawuti

Assistant General Manager, Cape Town International Airport

Air Freight Modality (post COVID-19 into the future), critical modality facilitating cohesive supply chain movement matrix

Ms Juliet White
Mr Basil Hanival

South African Association of Freight Forwarders (SAAFF)

Insight into the current developments around trade enablement at AfCFTA & the potential impact on the Air Cargo industry

Mr Anton Eccles

Solution Architect, Global Trade Solution

Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF) Production Blueprint

Farai Chireshe

Energy Analyst & Project Officer, WWF South Africa

