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The TIKZN Business Support Fund is only intended for enterprises which are in financial stress or are undertaking expansion plans in priority sectors biased towards the KZN Provincial Growth and Development Strategy (PGDS). 

Your company might qualify for funding support subject to the TIKZN approval process.

  • Due Diligence Funding (DDF) for BEE acquisitionAre you planning to undertake BEE equity transactions for the purposes of facilitating black industrialist participation in the economy?
  • Supplier Development and Enterprise Development Support (SDEDS)Are you a company which is operating in the vicinity of historically disadvantaged communities, located in an Industrial Hub, and/or operating in a Specialised Economic Zone, and/or bordering a township or in a rural area?
  • Youth Innovation Support (YIS)Are you an entrepreneur under 35 years of age, exiting an information, communication, technology type of incubation support programme, have an innovative proof of concept and a business plan?
  • PUM Programme – This is a Netherlands based programme, where a PUM Consultant is matched to a company in a specific sector.  The company should be in existence for 2 years and should employ between 10-250 employees.  The Consultants have experience in over 45 sectors.  Qualifying companies will receive advice remotely from a PUM Consultant via Skype, Email or Telephone.
  • Technical Assistance Fund – This is a cost sharing fund which is capped at R250k.  This fund is in place to essentially assist those companies who need assistance with ISO Certification, Health and Safety measures to be put in place, assistance towards the application of specific licences (e.g. air quality etc)
  • TIKZN Financial Assistance – Assistance provided to those companies who want to expand and need to travel overseas to meet with technical partners or to have a look at potential capital equipment.  The financial assistance is based on a split, and could either be  60/40 or 50/50, depending on the approval from the Committee.

  • Business Turnaround and Recovery - Provides support to enterprises facing economic distress and initiatives or schemes aimed at minimising the retrenchment of employees or preventing job losses, as per s7 and s32(g) of employment services Act and s5(d) of the Unemployment insurance Act. The scheme may provide for turnaround strategies, lay-offs, retaining or alternative opportunities (productivitysa). Minimum requirements for this scheme: Employ a minimum of 20 employees; Contributing to UIF; Tax clearance; Two years in operations; Two years financial statement; Financial distress and/or decline as is confirmed by a financial assessment; Operate from a physical premises. 

  • Other Funding Assistance (IDC, SEFA, Ithala) – the criteria for funding applications vary from each institution.

Kindly complete the following form to be considered for TIKZN support: 

Innovation and collaboration driving change in South Africa’s logistics network - Introducing the National Logistics Crisis Committee (NLCC) Pulse Report.

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