Sixty five years constitutes two generations. The South African Federation of Civil Engineering Contractors has celebrated over sixty years of being the "midwife" of the development of South Africa. Its members were intimately involved in the creation of the infrastructure that became the envy of our continent.
The organisation was formed to advance the interests of its members. It developed organically over the years in reaction to challenges facing its members, and was in many respects far ahead of its time. Much credit must go to leaders in the industry for the foresight and vision applied over many decades, which steered the organisation to its present healthy state of affairs.
We are proud to have been co-creators of the country's infrastructure over difficult African topography of long distances and rapidly changing altitudes. These endeavours enhanced infrastructure from dirt roads to excellent highways and urban networks; from limited rail infrastructure to dedicated bulk export/import lines; the development of the most modern bulk/container ports; from grass airfields to the busiest airports in Africa; from electricity in one town to vast networks fostering exports of high electricity intensive aluminium; from pit latrines to extensive waterborne sewerage networks which are environmentally friendly, and from small earth and concrete dams to some of the most impressive water schemes in the world. In the process of meeting these challenges, the industry employed thousands of people, and provided the arteries and infrastructure hubs that fostered economic growth and development that made South Africa the power house economy of Africa.