PPTA small

Association Description

Private Public Transport Association (P.P.T.A.) is a driver born initiative; as an Association we realized that we need to unite as members in order to have a cohesive voice in this new E-hailing industry.

As the P.P.T.A. we are driven by wanting to ensure that ordinary drivers across the South African landscape can build respectable careers and ensure that our members can secure a dignified life, as well as a sustained income by consistently working in this industry.

Mission & Purpose Statement

Our simple purpose is to represent our member drivers in industry related matters, build and strengthen our varied communities and as collective address our financial challenges and needs and strive to grow each other in our varied fields of expertise outside of our core functions.

Our mission as the P.P.T.A. is to ensure that our unified voice is heard and our holistic perspectives considered so as ensuring that we partake as key stakeholders in the evolving transport industry.

As the  P.P.T.A we stand for:

  • Drivers rights
  • Driver protection 
  • Driver development 
  • Business participation 
  • Driver/owner partnerships 

Driven by a desire to address above needs on a daily basis we seek guidance and support from highly skilled people and general public to ensure we forge a progressive path ahead.

As our drivers’ needs grow we are ready to adapt and guide our member’s through this ever changing transport environment.

Value & Belief of our Association 

We as the P.P.T.A. believe in the value of people first, we strive for our needs to be considered above the profit targets of large corporations; we are not only drivers but we are Brothers, Fathers, Mothers and Sisters, above all we are people.

Contact Us

Email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 

Tel: +27 62 946 9891